ini adaa sedikit tips untuk mengembalikan id yg di hack agar id yg di hack bsa kmbali lg kamu kudu punya nope yg di pke trakhir sblum id trsebut di hack.
kmu bsa mngirimkan email dri id apapun ke
kmu tgl tulis atw paste tlisan ini
i am "nick pngirim",
here with a complain.
my id "nick yg kna hack", being hacked by hackers, they did change my password and register cell no.
so forget password option not helping to get my password.
the detail of my id given below ;
1. id name = nick last
2. password = xxxxxxx
3. cell no where id was reg
apbla kmu mndpat email dri mig contact kmu tgl mblz email trsebut sprti contog di bwah ini.
= +628xxxxxx(nope yg di hack) kindly request to you please reset it given number +628xxxxxx(nope yg di gunakan id yg di hack), hope u will reset it soon.
kind regars,
nick pngirim